What are Python’s built-in data types?

Python provides a variety of built-in data types that help in handling different kinds of data efficiently. The numeric types include int for whole numbers, float for decimal values, and complex for complex numbers with real and imaginary parts. Sequence types such as list, tuple, and range store ordered collections of elements, with lists being mutable while tuples remain immutable. The text type, represented by str, is used for storing and manipulating text-based data. Set types, including set and frozenset, store unique, unordered elements, where sets are mutable and frozensets are immutable.

Python’s mapping type, dict, is used to store key-value pairs, allowing fast lookups and modifications. The boolean type, bool, consists of only two values: True and False, often used in logical operations. Binary types, such as bytes, bytearray, and memoryview, are used for handling binary data, where bytes is immutable, while bytearray allows modifications. Finally, the None type (NoneType) represents the absence of a value, commonly used to indicate that a variable has not been assigned a meaningful value. These built-in data types make Python a flexible and powerful programming language suitable for a wide range of applications.

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